Hi, I'm Anita Silvert
Truth to tell, I've been teaching my whole life. My parents had a couple of those old-fashioned desks in the basement - the ones with the hole in the corner for ink well. (I don't know why.) My sisters didn't like when I made them sit at the desks, but I loved to play teacher. As I grew and got more involved in endeavors like Limmud (I'm now proud to be on the Limmud North American board), I realized I sort of fit in many denominations, but not fully in any. That led me to the Pluralistic Rabbinic Seminary, where I will received smicha. It was the perfect fit to do what I want to do: be the communal rabbi with a congregation of one....you. For life cycle events, learning experiences, Torah study, and more, let me be the one who breaks down barriers for you in your continuing Jewish life and identity. I continue to encourage others to swim in the deep end of Jewish thought and life. I am third generation Chicagoan, I still have my first Field's charge card, I will always call it Sears Tower, it's pop, not soda, and the lake is always east. |
Anita Silvert is an independent rabbinic intern, educator, facilitator, and Jewish educational resource devoted to bringing Jewish life and learning to a diverse Jewish (and Jewish-aligned) community. Previously, she was Director of Enrollment for Spertus Institute of Jewish Learning and Leadership, and before that, the national Director of Outreach for an adult Jewish Learning initiative called Chai Mitzvah. Silvert was the Adult Jewish Educator in the Pritzker Center for Jewish Education at the Chicago JCC. Silvert has taught for the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning, and Solomon Schechter Day School. Silvert was a founding volunteer for Limmud Chicago, and has taught at Limmuds all over, including England, Colorado, New Orleans, Detroit, Baltimore, Seattle, and Chicago. Currently, she sits on the first-ever Limmud North America Board. Blending her passions for theater and Jewish living, Silvert is certified in Bibliodrama, a technique of Bible study that uses role-playing and improvisation to develop Biblical insight and commentary. She has been a Scholar-in-Residence at congregations, women’s organizations and retreats throughout the Midwest. She was also the Theater Director for Olin Sang Union Ruby Institute Camp. Silvert received her BA in Voice from University of Iowa, and her MA in Jewish Education from Spertus. >
See Anita Silvert's full resume here.